Our Commissioning Process is a quality-oriented process for achieving,
verifying, and documenting that the performance of our cleanroom,
cleanroom systems, and assemblies meet defined objectives and criteria.
Commissioning aids in delivery of a cleanroom and it ensures plans are implemented with the greatest efficiency. It guarantees build quality using on-site verification. It results in higher energy efficiency and reduced operating costs. It allows us to make sure all components are working correctly and it improves installed building documentation.
Commissioning aids in delivering a safe and efficient facility. It encompasses environmental health and occupant safety. It delivers preventative and predictive maintenance plans and it ensures air quality per specified ISO requirements by testing all components to make certain that they are working properly. These practices achieve both a safe and healthful facility.
Cleanroom Design Commissioning aids in your staff orientation as well as hands-on-training. Commissioning allows us to tailor system operating manuals and training procedures for all users to follow. It also ensures that your staff has the best standard operating procedures available in order to increase safety and efficiency.
We offer a full scope of hands-on-training at the completion of the cleanroom installation.
Training sessions include internal cleanroom operations, operations and maintenance manuals,
in-service mechanical maintenance training programs,
and ongoing preventative maintenance services.